- (i Can't) Get Around You Testo
- 5 Ft. Tall Testo
- 6th Street Testo
- Alive Testo
- Alta Testo
- And, Goodnight Testo
- Another California Song Testo
- Archangel Thunderbird Testo
- Baby Big Man (I Want A Mommy) Testo
- Blue Testo
- Break A Guitar Testo
- Breakfast Eggs Testo
- Buildings Testo
- California Commercial Testo
- California Commerical Testo
- Californian Hills Testo
- Candy Sam Testo
- Cement Testo
- Class War Testo
- Come Outside Testo
- Comfortable Home Testo
- Crazy Testo
- Cry Cry Cry Testo
- Crybaby Testo
- Death Testo
- Denée Testo
- Despoiler Of Cadaver Testo
- Diddy Wah Diddy Testo
- Distraction Testo
- Diversion Testo
- Don't Lie Testo
- Don't You Want To Know? (Sue) Testo
- Easy Ryder Testo
- Eggman Testo
- Emotional Mugger / Leopard Priestess Testo
- Every 1's A Winner Testo
- Fanny Dog Testo
- Fantastic Tomb Testo
- Feel Testo
- Fine Testo
- First Look / First Conversation / Walk Home Pt. I Testo
- Freedom Testo
- Fuzz War Testo
- Getting Ready / Arrival / The Dance / Walk Home Pt. II / First Touch Testo
- Ghost Testo
- Girlfriend Testo
- Gold On The Shore Testo
- Good Morning Testo
- Goodbye Bread Testo
- Green Belly Testo
- Handglams Testo
- Hello, Hi Testo
- Hi Dee Dee Testo
- Hit It And Quit It Testo
- Honeymoon (edit) Testo
- Honeymoon / Life / Confrontation / Argument / Separation / Realization Testo
- Hotel Testo
- I Am Not A Game Testo
- I Bought My Eyes Testo
- I Can't Feel It Testo
- I Hear Testo
- I Sing Them Testo
- I Worship The Dog Testo
- I'm A Man Testo
- I'm Free Testo
- Ice Plant Testo
- Imaginary Person Testo
- Inside Your Heart Testo
- Isolation Testo
- It's Over Testo
- Lone Cowboys Testo
- Looking At You Testo
- Love Rudiments Testo
- Low Rider Testo
- Mandy Cream Testo
- Manipulator Testo
- Meaning Testo
- Mister Main Testo
- Move Testo
- Muscle Man Testo
- My Best Friend Testo
- My Lady's On Fire Testo
- My Room Testo
- Oh Mary Testo
- Orange Color Queen Testo
- Over Testo
- Papers Testo
- Possession Testo
- Pretty Miss Titty Testo
- Prison Testo
- Queen Lullabye Testo
- Radio Testo
- Rain Testo
- Reflections Testo
- Repetition Testo
- Rotten To The Core Testo
- Rusted Dust Testo
- Saturday, Pt. 1 Testo
- Saturday, Pt. 2 Testo
- Scissor People Testo
- Self Esteem Testo
- She Testo
- She Don't Care Testo
- Shining Testo
- Shoot You Up Testo
- Shoplifter Testo
- Skirts Of Heaven Testo
- Slaughterhouse Testo
- Sleeper Testo
- Slowboat Testo
- Squealer Testo
- Squealer Two Testo
- St. Stephen Testo
- Stick Around Testo
- Susie Thumb Testo
- Sweet C.C. Testo
- Take Care (To Comb Your Hair) Testo
- Talkin 3 Testo
- Talkin' Testo
- Tall Man Skinny Lady Testo
- Taste Testo
- Tell Me What's Inside Your Heart Testo
- Thank God For The Sinners Testo
- Thank You Mr. K Testo
- The Arms Testo
- The Bag I'm In Testo
- The Bell Testo
- The Big Day Testo
- The Black Glove/rag Testo
- The Clock Testo
- The Connection Man Testo
- The Crawler Testo
- The Dance (edit) Testo
- The Drag Testo
- The Faker Testo
- The Fall Testo
- The Feels Testo
- The Hand Testo
- The Hill Testo
- The Keepers Testo
- The Last Waltz Testo
- The Loner Testo
- The Magazine Testo
- The Main Pretender Testo
- The Man Man Testo
- The Only One Testo
- The Singer Testo
- The Tongue Testo
- The West Testo
- There Is No Tomorrow Testo
- They Told Me Too Testo
- Time Testo
- To You Testo
- Tongues Testo
- Untitled Testo
- View In Itunes Testo
- Void Testo
- W.U.O.T.W.S. Testo
- Wait Testo
- Warm Hands (Freedom Returned) Testo
- Watcher Testo
- Wave Goodbye Testo
- What Can We Do Testo
- Whatever Testo
- When I Met My Parents Pt. 1 Testo
- When I Met My Parents Pt. 3 Testo
- When Mommy Kills You Testo
- Who Are You Testo
- Who's Producing You? Testo
- Would You Be My Love Testo
- You Make The Sun Fry Testo
- You Say All The Nice Things Testo
- You're The Doctor Testo