- A New Saturn! Testo
- Broad Daylight Misanthropy Testo
- Cell Testo
- Coils (0.618...) Testo
- Cosmic Zero Equation Testo
- Dat Rosa Mel Apibus Testo
- Descarte's Wrath Testo
- Dessicated Testo
- Diaphragm Closed% Testo
- Dimension Hell Testo
- Entering Release Testo
- Envisaging The Ideal Planet Testo
- Infinite Testo
- Irreversible Testo
- Music Of The Spheres Testo
- Realizing The Blindness Testo
- Satalite Souls (Intro) Testo
- The 4 Scissors Testo
- The Beginning Testo
- The Misanthrope's Fable Testo
- The Murders Of The Young Ones / Wiser Through Pain Testo
- The Navelless One Testo
- The Return To Nothingness Testo
- The Serpent's Manifolds Testo
- To A Heaven In Thick Fog Testo
- Wolves May Safely Graze Testo
- Writhing Coils Of Construction Testo
- X_xx_X Testo