- A Flag In The Court
- A Wall, A Century 2
- Aa Warm Breeze
- Abysmal Urn
- Adult Acid
- Animated Violence
- Anthemic Aggressor
- Beat Quest
- Block Of Ice
- Blood On The Deck
- Burning Beauties
- C
- Cadaver Dog
- Camera (Queer Sound)
- Can You See
- Can You See?
- Canopnr '74
- Captain Loosley
- Carrion Crawler
- Castiatic Tackle
- Castlemania
- Chem-Farmer
- Cloud #1
- Contraption/Soul Desert
- Cooling Tower
- Corprophagist (A Bath Perhaps)
- Corrupted Coffin
- Crack In Your Eye
- Crawl Out From The Fall Out
- Crushed Grass
- Dead Man's Gun
- Destroyed Fortress Reappears
- Devil's Last Breath
- Dreadful Heart
- Dreary Nonsense
- Drop
- Drowned Beast
- Encrypted Bounce
- Enemy Destruct
- Enrique El Cobrador
- Everything Went Black
- Face Stabber
- Fake Song
- Flash Bats
- Flies Bump Against The Glass
- Flood's New Light
- Fu Xi
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gholü
- Ghost In The Trees
- Go Meet The Seed
- Golden Phones
- Gong Of Catastrophe
- Goodnight Baby
- Graveyard Drug Party
- Grease
- Grease 2
- Hang A Picture
- Head of State
- Heartworm
- Heavy Doctor
- Henchlock
- Hey Buddy
- Holy Smoke
- I Am Slow
- I Can't Get No
- I Can't Pay You To Disappear
- I Come From The Mountain
- I Need Seed
- I Was Denied
- I Won't Hurt You
- Iceberg
- Idea For Rubber Dog
- If I Had My Way
- If I Stay Too Long
- Invitation
- It Killed Mom
- Jammed Entrance
- Jettisoned
- Keys To The Castle
- King's Nose
- Koka Kola Jingle
- Last Peace
- Lili & Me
- Lupine Dominus
- Lupine Ossuary
- Make Them Kiss
- Maria Stacks
- Maze Fancier
- Meat Step Lively
- Mega-Feast
- Minotaur
- Mizmuth
- Moon Bog
- MT Work
- Nail House Needle Boys
- Night Crawler
- Nite Expo
- No Spell
- Oh No Bloody Nose
- Opposition
- Overthrown
- Palace Doctor
- Paranoise
- Peanut Butter Oven
- Penetrating Eye
- Persuaders Up!
- Plastic Plant
- Pleasure Blimps
- Poison Finger
- Poisoned Stones
- Poor Queen
- Psy-Ops Dispatch
- Put Some Reverb On My Brother
- Putrifiers Ii
- Quadrospazzed
- Rainbow
- Raw Optics
- Red Study
- Robber Barons
- Rogue Planet
- Ruby Go Home
- S.S. Luker's Mom
- Said The Shovel
- Savage Victory
- Scramble Suit II
- Scutum & Scorpius
- Second Date
- Sentient Oona
- Ship
- Snickersnee
- So Nice
- Soda St. #1
- Spider Cider
- Sticky Hulks
- Stinking Cloud
- Strawberries 1 + 2
- Sucks Blood
- Sugar Boat
- Sweets Helicopter
- Terminal Jape
- The Axis
- The Coconut
- The Daily Heavy
- The Dream
- The Experimenter
- The Fizz
- The Floating Coffin
- The Gouger
- The Horse Was Lost
- The Killer
- The Lens
- The Master's Bedroom Is Worth Spending A Night In
- The River Rushes (To Scred MD Over)
- The Static God
- The Sun Goes All Around
- The Turn Around
- The Whipping Continues
- Ticklish Warrior
- Toadstool
- Toe Cutter - Thumb Buster
- Together Tomorrow
- Tower and The Wall
- Transparent World
- Tunnel Time
- Turned Out Light
- Two Drummers Disappear
- Unwrap The Fiend, Pt. 2
- Upbeat Ritual
- Visit Colonel
- Voice In The Mirror
- Wait All Nite
- Warm Slime
- Wax Face
- Web
- What Are We Craving?
- What The Driven Drink
- Wicked Park
- Will We Be Scared?
- Wing Run
- Withered Hand
- Wrong Idea
- You Make Me Sick, Oh Yeah
- You Will See This Dog Before You Die