- 1989 Testo
- 20 Below Testo
- Another Time Testo
- Anybody Else Testo
- Backstabber Testo
- Bandwagon Testo
- Been So Far Testo
- Big Girl Now Testo
- Breakin' Up Testo
- Camera Shy Testo
- Chemical Attraction Testo
- Clueless Testo
- Come Dance With Me Testo
- Comin' Down Testo
- Cynical Fool Testo
- Dignity And Pride Testo
- Drag Strip Testo
- Dysfunctional - Squirtgun, Teen Idols Testo
- Every Day Is Saturday Testo
- Forever In My Dreams Testo
- Genuine Whiskey Man Testo
- Her Only One Testo
- Historian Testo
- How Long Testo
- I Can't Think Testo
- I Don't Want Her Testo
- I'm Not The One Testo
- Insanity Plea Testo
- Ketchup Soup Testo
- King Just For A Day Testo
- Let's Make Noise Testo
- Lovely Day Testo
- Monsters Walk The Earth Testo
- My Lesson Testo
- Nothing To Prove Testo
- Now And Then Testo
- One Pill Testo
- Peanut Butter Girl Testo
- Porno Shop Testo
- Pucker Up Testo
- Read Between The Lines Testo
- Rebel Souls Testo
- Run Away Again Testo
- Shadowman Testo
- She's A Poser Testo
- Skinflynt Testo
- Something Old, Something New Testo
- Test Tube Teens Testo
- The Longest Walk Testo
- The Midnight Picture Show Testo
- The Team Testo
- The Voice Testo
- Together Again Testo
- Tuff Guy Testo
- Turning The Tide Testo
- Virtual Loser Testo
- Waiting For You Testo
- West End Road Testo
- When I Hear Your Name Testo