- 12 Days Of Christmas Destruction Testo
- 21 Things I'd Rather Do Than Smoke Testo
- A Merry Gangsta Christmas Testo
- A Whole New Vader Testo
- Ac3 Testo
- Anthony's Gone Testo
- Anything You Can Do I Can Do Dumber Testo
- B.F.F. Testo
- B.F.F. Reprise Testo
- Be Jabba's Guest Testo
- Best Food In The World Testo
- Bot Best Friend Activated Testo
- Bot Best Friend Commercial Testo
- Bow To The Unicorns Testo
- Boxman Testo
- Boxman 2.0 Testo
- Boxman For President Testo
- Boxman's Girlfriend Testo
- Boxman's Happy Song Testo
- Boxmans Christmas Testo
- Christmas With Billy Testo
- Corn Cob Testo
- Cute Furry Kittens Testo
- Dixon Cider Testo
- Driver's Ed Rap Testo
- Evil Santa Testo
- Firetruck Testo
- Firetruck! Testo
- Four Years Foreplay Testo
- Hair Ballad Testo
- Happy Cow Testo
- Happy Elves Testo
- Hardcore Max Testo
- Hardcore Max 2 Testo
- Hawking's Gonna Drop A Phat Remix Testo
- I Heart Burgers Testo
- I Want To Be Where The Jedis Are Testo
- I've Got The Force In Me Testo
- If Music Were Real (intro) Testo
- If Music Were Real (outro) Testo
- Meat In Your Mouth Testo
- Metal Mom Testo
- Milky Milkshake Testo
- Milky Milkshake (Hawking Remix) Testo
- Moms Are The Bomb Testo
- Montage Machine Testo
- Most Epic Vacation Ever (Cannon Penis) Testo
- My Bathroom Disaster Testo
- My Fanny Pack Testo
- Netflix Conscience Testo
- P.A.R.T.Y. Testo
- Parents Suck Testo
- Pen15 Testo
- Pimps Of Prom Testo
- Pirate Life Testo
- Pirate's Life Testo
- Pokemon Theme Song Revenge Testo
- Predicate Rap Testo
- Renaissance Love Testo
- Segway Polo Testo
- Sex Ed Rocks Testo
- Sex Turban Testo
- Smash Rap Testo
- So Frickin Tired Of Christmas Testo
- Teleporting Fat Guy Testo
- The Album's Done (outro) Testo
- The End Of Christmas Testo
- The Legend Of Zelda Testo
- The Legend Of Zelda Rap Testo
- The Real Party Song Testo
- This Album's Smoshtastic (intro) Testo
- Transformers Rap Testo
- Ultimate Assassin's Creed Iii Song Testo
- Ultimate Breakup Medley Testo
- Ultimate Douchebag Medley Testo
- Vader Is My Friend Testo
- We Rule High School Testo