Girls Music
Pathos Ate Bathos
The Cock-a-doodle-doo of Democracy
- Pre-seated
- Girls Music
- Pathos Ate Bathos
- The Cock-a-doodle-doo of Democracy
- I Am United Nations
- The Song Comes With a Picture
- Four Eyed McClayvie
- The Pink Ink
- The Things You Can and Cannot Do
- The Conventions of Stopping
- A Horse By Day Is A Horse By Night
- Theres A Reason Its Called The Easy Way Out
- Get On Out And Come Right In
- In-Flight Instructions Are A Joke, Say I
- The Accidental Drummer
- Pat Yourself On The Proverbial
- Enamel
- Sailing Keeps You Safe
- All Hail Sergio
- Sometimes the Best Things You Can Do Is Die