- 2012
- 30secchop
- A Few Songs
- A Simpler Time
- Acts 1.5
- American Hypnosis
- An Interlude Called 'Circus'
- An Interlude Called ‘circus'
- Back In Office
- Beautiful Smile
- Big Picture
- Breakdown
- Broken Girls
- Bucket List
- Burning Here
- Busy
- California
- Calligraphy
- Church / Liquor Store
- Come My Way
- Crash
- Even Less
- Every Painting Has A Price
- Fearmonger
- Few Good Things
- Fighter
- For Dean
- Free Samples
- G.P.S.
- Gps
- Grey
- Head.rap
- Heaven All Around Me
- How To Impress God
- hue_man nature
- If I Had A Dollar
- In Loving Memory
- Life
- Logout
- Make Believe
- Most
- Mrs. Whoever
- One Way Or Every N**** With A Budget
- Papaya
- Photosynthesis
- Prom/king
- Reciprocity
- Rich Don't Stop
- She Called It
- Smile
- So And So
- Soldier
- Someone Like You
- Stay Right Here
- Still
- Stomping
- Stoney
- Stop Playing With Me
- Stop That
- Survivor's Guilt
- Symmetry
- The Billy Williams Story
- There You Go
- Westside Bound 3
- Westside Bound Pt. 4
- Woes Of The World
- World In My Hands
- Ziplock