- 1x1 Testo
- 4:04 Testo
- A Smack on the Lips Testo
- A World Away From This One Testo
- Alamo in Alabama Testo
- Amsterdam On Easter Sunday Testo
- Apartment Murders Testo
- Be Sure Testo
- Bill Jocko Testo
- Can't Find a Reason to Let You Go Testo
- Ciao, My Shining Star Testo
- Cookie Jar Testo
- Everything's Coming Undone Testo
- Fathering Testo
- Hanging Today Testo
- Happy Birthday Yesterday Testo
- He Vanished Testo
- Hey Sandy Testo
- Hey Self Defeater Testo
- Hurry, Please Hurry Testo
- I Have Patience Testo
- I Just Shot Myself In the Foot Again Testo
- I Woke Up In The Mayflower Testo
- If You See Margret Testo
- In Pursuit of Your Happiness Testo
- In The Afternoon Testo
- Jason Testo
- Love's the Only Thing #2 Testo
- Love's the Only Thing That Shuts Me Up Testo
- Micon the Icon Testo
- Nothing But a Silver Medal Testo
- Pendulum Testo
- Propstar Testo
- Resolution #1 Testo
- She Watches Over Me Testo
- Sometimes Testo
- Tempted Testo
- The Quiet One Testo
- The Way She Really Is Testo
- Until I Say So Testo
- Wake Up Whispering Testo
- We're Not In Charleston Anymore Testo