- (They're Gonna) Kick To Kill Testo
- Bad Company Testo
- Band Played On Testo
- Better Off Without You Testo
- Breakaway Testo
- Brides Of The Beast Testo
- Clockwork Toys Testo
- Crazy Testo
- Cue The Dead Testo
- Dayo Testo
- Fight To Win Testo
- Freeman Testo
- Gang Warfare Testo
- Glorious 9th Testo
- Joy Rider Testo
- Leaders Of Tomorrow Testo
- Lies Testo
- Man On The Wall Testo
- Mr. Nobody Testo
- Nightmare Testo
- Pervert Testo
- Respectable Testo
- Schizophrenic Testo
- Sherwood Rangers Testo
- Snap Testo
- Sorry Testo
- Stay Away From Me Testo
- Terrorist Gang Testo
- That's You Testo
- The Ultimate High Testo
- Twisted Mind Testo
- Valerie Testo
- Warboots Testo
- Wired Testo
- Your Worst Enemy Testo