- A Day Late And A Dollar Short
- Across The Water
- Best Friends
- Bet The Farm
- Big Fish Eat The Little Fish
- Brew Akbar
- Celph Hatred
- Chicks Don't Mind
- Chip Off The Old Blog
- Cm Famalam Radio
- Coochie Coup
- Diablos
- Don't Care
- Don't You Even Go There
- Dos Factotum
- Dust To Dust
- Factotum
- Fair Weather Fan
- Freak Show
- Fuck 'em
- General Principle
- Gentleman And A Scholar
- Get It Started (remix)
- Guilty As Charged 2000
- Guilty As Charged 2001
- Halfway Stretch (Sinterlude)
- Happy Hour
- I-Jonez Exclusive
- Idiot Gear
- Idiot Gear (Remix)
- Leaving Again
- Lecture
- Logic And Reason
- Logistics 101
- Look On The Blight Side
- Loud Mouth
- Loudmouth
- Mischief Nite
- Mischievous
- Off The Chrome
- Over The Cuckoo' Nest
- Paper Maché
- Pimp Shit
- Planet Rock
- Por Que
- Postal
- Postal 2000
- Punchline
- Punchline Remix
- Ready For War
- Rest
- Resume
- Revenge!!!
- Rock (remix)
- Secret Agent
- Service The Target
- Sintro
- Sintro Outtake
- Squeeky And The Head Detective
- Starling's Darling
- Strange
- Street Smarts
- The Godz Must Be Crazy
- The Great Divide
- The Joke's On You
- The Ugly Truth
- They Don't Make 'em Like They Used To
- Trail Of Tears
- Trinity
- Ugly Truth
- Visceral Literal
- Watching You (remix)
- What You Think, What I Know
- Who The Fuck Are You?