- 1% Testo
- Ain't No Right Testo
- Been Caught Stealing Testo
- Broken People Testo
- Chip Away Testo
- City Testo
- Classic Girl Testo
- Curiosity Kills Testo
- End To The Lies Testo
- Everybody's Friend Testo
- Had A Dad Testo
- Hypersonic Testo
- I Would For You Testo
- I'll Hit You Back Testo
- Idiots Rule Testo
- Imminent Redemption Testo
- Irresistible Force Testo
- Irresistible Force (Met The Immovable Object) Testo
- Jane Says Testo
- Just Because Testo
- Kettle Whistle Testo
- Mountain Song Testo
- My Cat's Name Is Maceo Testo
- My Time Testo
- No One's Leaving Testo
- Obvious Testo
- Ocean Size Testo
- Of Course Testo
- Pigs In Zen Testo
- Price I Pay Testo
- Rock 'n' Roll Testo
- Rock And Roll Testo
- Slow Divers Testo
- So What! Testo
- Sound Check Testo
- Splash A Little Water On It Testo
- Standing In The Shower... Thinking Testo
- Stop Testo
- Stop! Testo
- Strays Testo
- Suffer Some Testo
- Summertime Rolls Testo
- Superhero Testo
- Sympathy Testo
- Sympathy For The Devil Testo
- Ted, Just Admit It... Testo
- Thank You Boys Testo
- The Riches Testo
- Then She Did Testo
- Three Days Testo
- To Match The Sun Testo
- Trip Away Testo
- True nature Testo
- Twisted Tales Testo
- Ultimate Reason Testo
- Underground Testo
- Up The Beach Testo
- Whores Testo
- Words Right Out Of My Mouth Testo
- Wrong Girl Testo