- Genere: Hardcore
Masters Of War
Threat Inflation
- Masters Of War
- Threat Inflation
- Antisect
- Insurgence
- Deep Integration
- Ash And Ruin
- Prisoners Of Conscience
- Against Empire - The Sword, The Whip And The Gun
- Against Empire - Choose To Fight
- Iskra - Irons
- Acceptance Not Tolerance
- Iskra - Oka
- A Pig In Every Home
- Massacre Of The Innocent
- Iskra - My Country 'tis Of Thy People You're Dying
- Culmine
- Against Empire - Intro
- Iskra - Sweating Walls
- Against Empire - Imperial Domination
- Culture Of Cowardice
Bring The War Home (Split With Against Empire)
(2006) -
The Terrorist Act 7 - EP
(2004) -