- Fondazione: Syracuse, New York, Stati Uniti
- Componenti:
Ryan, Curt, Anthony, Tim, Liam
- Genere: Pop punk , Rock , Indie , Emo
- Off Limits
- There's A Lesson To Be Learned Here
- 1.21 Jiggawatts
- This Situation
- How To Break A Heart
- Normal
- You Sure Can't Keep A Secret
- Stage Dives And High Fives
- Bednotch And Boomsticks
- Don't Tell Mama
- Sleepless In Syracuse
- The Cause In All The Candles
- Let's Make Like A Tree And Get The Heck Outta Here
- I Gave You My Heart, You Gave Me A Pacemaker
- Stay Gold, Denise Hoffman, Stay Gold
- Hold Fast
- Welcome To New York, Now Get A Job
- The Day I Became a Public Spectacle
- Paper Thin Walls
- Hush Symphony
Action! Drama! Suspense!
(2010) -
Build Hearts From Stars