- Genere: Emo
When The Coughing Stopped My Eyes
That They Should Never Weep
- Shifting
- Careering
- When The Coughing Stopped My Eyes
- That They Should Never Weep
- Angels And Pockets
- Why I Hate Texas
- Of Self And Promise
- How I Learned To Unwind
- Rainbows And Frogs
- Or Ever Be Lonely
- Mayday
- Sleeping In
- Blessings
- Monologue For Watching It Rain In Dekalb
- Complacent
- We Never Dated, Really
- A Midpoint Display
- Seven Months
- Wet Window Sill
- Put Down That Guitar
Scenes From A Motel Seduction
(2000) -
A Brief Lesson In Affection