- (Finally) A Convenient Truth Testo
- (How To Stay) Middle Class Testo
- 33 Testo
- 5 Steps / 7 Swords Testo
- 5 Steps 7 Swords Testo
- A Burial At Sea Testo
- A Misty Bay (At Dawn) Testo
- A Song For Myself Testo
- A Voice In The Louvre Testo
- Accept Cookies Testo
- An Air Vent (In Amsterdam) Testo
- Angry Young Man Testo
- Aureate Testo
- Aureate! Testo
- Born Slippy (Nuxx) Testo
- Busy Hope Testo
- Chant En Disenchant Testo
- Christmas In Adventure Parks Testo
- Confessions Testo
- Daylight Savings Testo
- Dragon Testo
- Eulogy Testo
- Funny Treats Testo
- Future Ruins (feat. Ghalia Benali), Pt. 2 Testo
- Gluttony Testo
- Golden Days Testo
- Good Friday Testo
- Harmour Love Testo
- Help to prevent forest fires Testo
- Hey Mcfly Testo
- I Love Humans Testo
- I Sold My Hands For Food So Please Feed Me Testo
- I'm Deranged Testo
- I'm Painting Money Testo
- If This Hat Is Missing I Have Gone Hunting Testo
- It's A Catalogue Testo
- It's A Fog Testo
- It's A Mess Testo
- It's A Tender Maze Testo
- It's An Airlift Testo
- It's Love Testo
- La Chanson D'hélène Testo
- Listen! Those Lost at Sea Sing a Song on Christmas Testo
- Lost In The Mountains (of The Heart) Testo
- Mantra Testo
- Marienbad Testo
- Martyrs Testo
- McCarthy Hall Testo
- My Door Testo
- My Falling Star Wish Testo
- My Falling Star Wish (the One I Think Is Right) Testo
- My Home Is My Heart Testo
- Nausea Testo
- Nightjogging Testo
- Nightmare No. 1 (Collapse) Testo
- Nightmare No. 2 (Dinner At Carinhall) Testo
- Nightmare No. 3 (Strangled) Testo
- No Longer Friends Testo
- One For The Workout Testo
- Our Best Hope Testo
- People Magazine Front Cover Testo
- Pretend To Be Testo
- Red Nose Day Testo
- Richard, Jeff And Elon Testo
- Roland, I Feel You Testo
- Roses, Pink Roses Testo
- Seneca's Silence Testo
- Teenage Fbi Testo
- That Love Testo
- The Heimlich Manuever Testo
- The Horror Testo
- The Only Thing We Have To Fear Testo
- The World Needs A New... Testo
- This Is Your Life Testo
- Tick Tack Goes My Automatic Heart Testo
- Tick Tack! Goes My Automatic Heart Testo
- Too Much Love Testo
- Us Vs Evil Testo
- We Are Free Testo
- We Are Ghosts Testo
- We Are Still... Testo
- We Are The Roman Empire Testo
- Werewolves Testo
- Werner Herzog Gets Shot Testo
- Witches! Witches! Rest Now In The Fire Testo
- You Aurora You Seaside Testo
- You/Aurora/You/Seaside Testo
- Young Count Falls For Nurse Testo
- Your Endless Dream Testo