- 10.000 Watts Testo
- 10.000 Watts Of Artificial Pleasures Testo
- 21st Century Slave Testo
- Along With You Testo
- Bang Your Head Testo
- Beatcrusher Testo
- Braindamage Testo
- C-beams Testo
- Can You Imagine Testo
- Chase The Light Testo
- Citizen Xt99 Testo
- Criminal Intents Testo
- Critical World Testo
- Defcon 5 Testo
- Digital Freedom Testo
- Digital Warriors Testo
- Do It Yourself Testo
- Don't Wanna Know Testo
- Dressed Inside Your Fear Testo
- Fast & Beautiful Testo
- Fast & Beautiful Testo
- Generation Plastic Testo
- I'm Overdriven Testo
- Infection 13 Testo
- It's For You Testo
- It's Going To Rain For You Testo
- It's Today Testo
- Just The Same For You Testo
- Kiss Testo
- Kiss (Cover Ver.) Testo
- Kiss (Exclusive Cover Version) Testo
- Lost Testo
- Make A Star Testo
- Many Thanks Testo
- Megacorps Testo
- Mulitplatform Paradise Testo
- Multiplatform Paradise Testo
- Neuromantics Testo
- Nuclear Dacay Testo
- Omega Drones Testo
- Outlaw Thrones Testo
- Platinum Girl Testo
- Play N Kill Testo
- Play'n'Kill Testo
- Plug 'N' Die Testo
- Plug ÂNÂ Die Testo
- Rebel Riot Testo
- Right Here In My Arms Testo
- Right Here In My Arms (Exclusive Cover Version) Testo
- Self Destructive Corp. Testo
- Shock To The System Testo
- Spider Claw Testo
- Take It Testo
- Technologic Age Testo
- The Believer Testo
- The World Machine Testo
- Theta Titanium Testo
- Trance-former Testo
- Trance-Formers Testo
- Vyperpunk Testo
- When I See You Smile Testo
- You Have No Chance Testo