- Abuse Testo
- All World's Hate Testo
- All-Enslaving Global Pain Testo
- As The Embers Ignite Testo
- Ashes Of Morality Testo
- Blindfolded Solutions Testo
- Body Open Wide Testo
- Born Controlled Testo
- Cycle Of Evolution Testo
- Death-Trap Testo
- Dehumanized Testo
- Drowning Testo
- Flow Of Fortune Testo
- Four Walls United Testo
- Hybris Testo
- Let Them Destroy Testo
- My Declaration Testo
- My Guidance Testo
- Nonexistent Testo
- Out Of Mind Testo
- Overcrowded Testo
- Pois Alta! Testo
- Psychic Entropy Testo
- Riot! Testo
- Ruins Testo
- Shelter Equals Grave Testo
- Sickest Victory Testo
- Still Think It's Worth It? Testo
- Suffocated Voice Testo
- The Distorted Facts Testo
- The Illusionist Testo
- The Wait Of The World Testo
- Traces Of Genocide Testo
- Uncrested Cannon Testo
- Undaunted Testo
- Unobtrustive Monitoring Testo
- Vapautus Testo
- Waking Up The World Testo
- War Without Blood Testo
- Where The End Justifies The Means Testo
- Worms Testo
- Yliote Testo