- 38..21..34 Testo
- CowboyBoots Testo
- Darlin' Look At Me Now Testo
- Daughter'sWeddingSong Testo
- DrinkDrinkDrink Testo
- From The Cradle To The Grave Testo
- GiveMeMoreKisses Testo
- Heeah!! Testo
- Hollywood Hillbilly Testo
- I Ain't Been Right, Since I've Been Left Testo
- I Don't Feel Too Lucky Today Testo
- I Wish I Was Crazy Again Testo
- ICan'tBeSatisfied Testo
- IDrinkToRemember Testo
- IHatetoDrinkAlone Testo
- ILieWhenIDrink Testo
- It Hurts So Good Testo
- It's Not Over Now Testo
- Justice For All Testo
- My Heart Is Yours Testo
- No Help Wanted Testo
- Outta Luck Testo
- QuickQuickSlowSlow Testo
- Runaway Train Testo
- Sit And Drink And Cry Testo
- SlowQuickQuick Testo
- SmokeyOldBar Testo
- Tequila And Teardrops Testo
- ThanksToTequila Testo
- Time Without You Testo
- Tomorrow Never Comes Testo
- Truckin' Queen ( I Got My Night Gown On ) Testo
- We'reGonnaGetMarried Testo
- WhereDoYouWantIt Testo
- Whiskey Or God Testo
- Why Oh Why Live A Lie Testo
- Yellow Mama Testo
- You Always Get What You Always Got Testo