- A Sponge In The Ocean Testo
- Be Longing Always Testo
- Between You And Eye Testo
- Broken Vessel Testo
- Burn Victims Testo
- Clip Paper Wings Testo
- Close Your Eyes And Look Away Testo
- Damnaged Testo
- Demon Teeth Testo
- Developing Negative Testo
- Falling Awake Testo
- Fauxtographic Memory Testo
- Fill;Avoid Testo
- Have.will Testo
- Hold On Pain Ends Testo
- Hole Hearted Testo
- Home Bittersweet Home Testo
- Hopes Anchor Testo
- Human(s) Being Testo
- Humannequin Testo
- I, The Jury Testo
- In Light In Me Testo
- Is Happiness A Mediocre Sin? Testo
- Keep Me In My Body Testo
- Learned Behavior Testo
- Lifeline (Left To Write) Testo
- Living Breathing Something Testo
- Lonesome Soul Testo
- Manumission Testo
- Misery Hates Company Testo
- Nerve Endings Testo
- Never Enders Testo
- Outer Demons Testo
- Perfect Strangers Testo
- Prey For Me Testo
- Quote On Qoute Testo
- Resource:recourse Testo
- Saviorself Testo
- Scar Issue Testo
- Silver Lining Testo
- Smoke And Mirrors Testo
- Steadfast Testo
- Strange Comfort Testo
- Suicide;Stigma Testo
- The Dying Hymn Testo
- The Man Behind The Hands Testo
- The Ones Forgotten By The One Forgetting Testo
- The Sage Of Washington Oaks Testo
- This Lost Song Is Yours Testo
- Throw Your Roses Testo
- Trail Of Blood Testo
- Version Of Me Testo
- Walkers Testo
- Walls Testo
- When One Was Desolate Testo