- yeule
- Yeuz
- Yevette Stewart
- Yevgueni
- Yexian
- Yeyo
- Yeyo Perez
- Yezsel
- Yfere
- YFG Pave
- YFG Rush
- YFL Kelvin
- YFN Lucci
- YG Hootie
- YG Marley
- YG Pablo
- YG'z
- Ygz
- Yhapojj
- Yhhtco Polo
- Yhung T.O.
- YHWH Nailgun
- Yianna Terzi
- Yiannis Deyaitas
- Yibby
- Yidcore
- Yiddish Balkans
- Yield
- Yim Yames
- Yin Kalle
- Ying Luo
- Ying Tao Bang
- Ying Yaang's
- Ying Yang Twins
- Yinka Ayorinde
- Yiordano Ignacio
- Yip Deceiver
- Yipohboi
- Yirayah
- Yiss
- Yiyo Sarante
- YK Osiris
- YL
- Ylenia
- Ylenia Aquilone
- Ylenia Lucisano
- Ylenia Morganti
- Ylid
- YLO Access
- Ylona Garcia
- Ylvis
- Yma Sumac
- YMCA Center for the Creative Arts
- YN Billy
- YN Jay
- Ynairaly Simo
- Ynd Soulja
- Yndi Halda
- Yndio
- Yng Lvcas
- YNG Martyr
- Yng Naz
- YNG Trvpboy
- YNG Zombi
- Yngizarm
- Yngwie Malmsteen
- Ynnek
- YNW Bslime
- Ynw Melly
- Yo
- Yo Dot
- Yo Gotti
- Yo La Tengo
- Yo Majesty
- Yo me corono
- Yo No Say
- Yo Preston
- Yo Soy Ratón
- Yo Trane
- Yo Yo
- Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Yo Yo Ma
- Yo Yo Mundi
- Yo-Yo
- Yo-Yo Ma
- Yoa
- Yoan
- Yoan Retro
- Yoandri
- Yoann
- Yoann Fréget
- Yoanna
- Yoav
- Yoav Polachek
- Yob
- Yobi
- Yobs (The)
- Yocahuna
- Yochk'o Seffer
- Yoda Pop
- Yodelice
- Yoe Mase
- Yoel
- Yofrangel
- Yoga Music
- Yoga Pop Ups
- YoGambii
- Yogi
- Yogi Calhoon
- Yogi Lang
- Yogii
- Yogo Kid
- Yogscast (The)
- Yogya Parsai
- Yohan Dawson
- Yohan Jung
- Yohann Malory
- Yohanna
- Yohannes de Dope
- Yohio
- Yoi Carrera
- Yoinkin
- Yoke Lore
- Yoko Casionos (The)
- Yoko Ishida
- Yoko Kanno
- Yoko Miyao
- Yoko Noge
- Yoko Ono
- Yoko Sawada
- Yokoano
- Yola
- Yoland Guérard
- Yolanda
- Yolanda Adams
- Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup
- Yolanda Del Rio
- Yolanda Duke
- Yolanda Kondonassis
- Yolanda Lisi
- Yolanda Perez
- Yolanda Segovia
- Yolanda Stith & Strong City
- Yolande Bavan