- Vasari Singers
- Vasaria
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- Vasco Brondi
- Vasco Era (The)
- Vasco Rossi
- Vasco vs. Dub J
- Vaselines
- Vaselines (The)
- Vashawn Mitchell
- Vashti Bunyan
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- Vasilij Larin
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- Vassar Clements
- Vassilis Saleas
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- Vast Aire
- Vast Hill
- Vasti Jackson
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- Vatican Commandos
- Vatican Shadow
- Vatis Siwany
- Vato Gonzales
- Vattnet Viskar
- Vaudeville Smash (The)
- Vaudou Game
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- Vaughan Brothers
- Vaughan Penn
- Vaughn
- Vaughn Anthony
- Vaughn DeLeath
- Vaughn Harper
- Vaughn Nark
- vaultboy
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- Vaults
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- Vava Coràzon
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- Vaya Con Dios
- Vaya Futuro
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- Vayu
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- Vaz Tè
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- Vazquez Sounds
- Vōx
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- Vérité
- Véronic Dicaire
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- Véronick Sévère
- Véronique Jannot
- Véronique Rivière
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- Víctor De Andrés
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- Víctor Manuelle
- Víctor Pérez
- Víctor Sandoval
- Vítor Fernandes
- Vök
- Vc Mind
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- Vector Lovers
- Vectrolab
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- Veda
- Veda Brown
- Veda Hille
- Veda Skyes
- Vedera
- Vedo
- Vee
- Vee Tha Rula
- Vee The Monarch
- Veedel Kaztro
- Veegas
- Veela
- Veence Hanao & Le Motel
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- Veerus
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- Vega & Bosca
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- Vega (España)
- VEGA (UK rock band)
- Vega 4
- Vega 87
- Vega Almohalla
- Vega Under Fire
- Vega4
- Vegamelo
- Vegan Boss
- Vegan Reich
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- Vegas Demilo
- Vegas In Ruins
- Vegas Jones
- Vegas Wake Up (The)
- Vegastar
- Vegastones (The)
- Vege
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- Vegetable G
- Vegetables
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- Veggietails
- Veggietales
- Vegyn
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- Vehemence 6.2
- Vei Verri
- Veil Of Maya
- Veil of Secrets
- Veil Of Sorrow
- Veils (The)
- Vein
- Vein.fm
- Veintiuno
- Vel Crowe Johnson
- Velabonz
- Velcra