T1 - T2 - T3 - T4 - T5 - T6 - T7 - T8 - T9 - T10 - T11 - T12 - T13 - T14 - T15 - T16 - T17 - T18 - T19 - T20 - T21 - T22 - T23 - T24 - T25 - T26 - T27 - T28 - T29 - T30 - T31 - T32 - T33 - T34 - T35 - T36 - T37 - T38 - T39 - T40 - T41 - T42 - T43 - T44 - T45 - T46 - T47 - T48 - T49 - T50 - T51 - T52 - T53 - T54 - T55 - T56 - T57 - T58 - T59 - T60 - T61 - T62 - T63 - T64 - T65 - T66 - T67
- The NewBand
- The Newlydeads
- The Next Wave
- The Nicholas Brothers
- The Nick Hexum Quintet
- The Night Animal
- The Night Café
- The Night Game
- The Night Howls
- The Night of the Cookers
- The Night Riders
- The Night Skinny
- The Night VI
- The Night Watchman
- The Nightcrawlers
- The Nightflyer
- The Niro
- The No Limit Band
- The No-No's
- The No-Shirts
- The Noiserz
- The Norrie Paramor Orchestra
- The Northrop Project
- The Northstar Orchestra
- The Notations
- The Notebook
- The Noted
- The Notorious B.I.G.
- The Notorious Cherry Bombs
- The Notting Hillbillies
- The Now Generation
- The Now People
- The Nu-Sounds
- The Nuclear Whales Saxophone Orchestra
- The Nuttree Quartet
- The Nycer
- The O'Kanes
- The O'My's
- The O'Neill Brothers
- The O'Reillys & The Paddyhats
- The O.C. Best Music
- The O.C. Supertones
- The OBB
- The Obnoxious Assholes
- The Oceanic Movement
- The Octagon
- The Octet
- The October
- The Octopussys
- The Offenders
- The Offspring
- The Ogd Trio
- The Ohsees
- The Oinker Sisters
- The Oktopus
- The Old 97's
- The Old Ceremony
- The Old Dogs
- The Oliverwho Factory
- The Olliephonic Horns
- The Olympia Three
- The Olympic Symphonium
- The Ominous Seapods
- The Ongoing Concept
- The Onset
- The Opals
- The Operation M.D
- The Orange Strips
- The Orchestra
- The Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre of the USSR
- The Ordeal
- The Order Of Elijah
- The Organ Beats
- The Orginal Moonmaids Plus One
- The Original Glenn Miller Singers
- The Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers
- The Original Memphis Five
- The Original Rudeboys
- The Original Salty Dogs
- The Original Soul Seekers
- The Original Tuxedo Jazz Orchestra
- The Original Unbelievable Uglies
- The Original Wildcat Jass Band
- The Orphan Newsboys
- The Orwells
- The Osmond Boys
- The Oster-Welker Jazz Alliance
- The Other Bones
- The Other Favorites
- The Other People Place
- The Others (Aka 22 Pistepirkko)
- The OTT Band
- The Out-Islanders
- The Outback Singers
- The Outcasts
- The Outdoors
- The Outfit
- The Outhere Brothers
- The Outsiders [Netherlands]
- The Outtengrand Orchestra
- The Ovations
- The Overcomers
- The Overlords
- The Owls (AUS)
- The P.O.E.
- The Pacific Jazz Alliance
- The Paganini Duo
- The Pahinui Brothers
- The Palace Guard
- The Palace Orchestra
- The Paladins
- The Pale White
- The Palladium Orchestra
- The Palmetto Gospel
- The Pan I Am
- The Pancakes
- The Pandoras
- The Panicks
- The Panicles
- The Parachute Club
- The Parade
- The Paramounts
- The Parcells
- The Pariah Dogs
- The Paris Ensemble
- The Paris Funds
- The Parisians
- The Parkas
- The Parliaments
- The Party
- The Party Poppers
- The Pasadenas
- The Passengers
- The Pasternak Progress
- The Pastors
- The Pat Moran Quintet
- The Path
- The Patterson Singers
- The Pattersons
- The Patti Labelle Orchestra
- The Paul Bley Quartet
- The Paul Brown Quartet
- The Payola$
- The Peach Kings
- The Pear Ratz
- The Pearl Mixed Company
- The Pearlescent's
- The Pearlie Chorus
- The Pearly Kings & Queens